Established in Spain around 35 years ago, TYM asociados employs a wide number of superior professionals, Engineers and Architects. This means that it is one of the most important Architecture firms, in a country that is mostly accustomed to small companies.
In Spain it belongs to the top 10 planning and Architectural design companies ranking, according to Alimarket data, an independent consultancy firm, being one of the very few companies that are independent from other partners and external financial investors.
TYM is the author of a significance number of works in Spain such as Navarra Arena Pavilion, City of Music of Pamplona and the new Urgent Care Facility of Navarra.
In the international level, TYM has developped the Strategic Territorial project and GPRD for the Ecuatorian Government, two intermodal estations for metro and buses, Technological Strategies for MINTEL (Ecuador) in addition to different residential projects.